pone.0261618.g001.tif (650.2 kB)

Lost-Wheel assembly and testing.

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posted on 2021-12-21, 18:23 authored by Joseph J. Bivona III, Matthew E. Poynter

A) Computer rendered design of the assembled LOST-Wheel. B) Completed assembly of the LOST-Wheel. C) Simplified wiring diagram of components. 22-gauge, 2.54 mm breadboard jumper wires are soldered to the microcontroller and connected to components using the attached plugs. Should a single component fail, this allows for easy replacement without resoldering. D) The LOST-Wheel Logger application can be used in conjunction with the LOST-Wheel to collect and plot additional data. E) Mice were allowed to run unrestricted for 7 days on the LOST-Wheel. Each morning, the distance was recorded, and wheels were reset (n = 5).
