ppat.1012031.s002.tif (381.51 kB)

Loss of ZRC1 significantly impairs hyphal growth in C. albicans.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 21:05 authored by Jakob L. Sprague, Tim B. Schille, Stefanie Allert, Verena Trümper, Adrian Lier, Peter Großmann, Emily L. Priest, Antzela Tsavou, Gianni Panagiotou, Julian R. Naglik, Duncan Wilson, Sascha Schäuble, Lydia Kasper, Bernhard Hube

Loss of ZRT101, ZRT2, or PRA1 did not significantly impact hypha formation. However, loss of ZRC1 significantly decreased hyphal length in C. albicans in cell culture medium after 6 h. All values are shown as the mean with standard deviation. Data were compared using a one-way ANOVA with a post-hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. Statistical significance: *, P ≤ 0.05.

