ppat.1012031.s003.tif (164.32 kB)

Loss of ECE1 has no effect on the transcriptional zinc starvation response in medium only.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 21:05 authored by Jakob L. Sprague, Tim B. Schille, Stefanie Allert, Verena Trümper, Adrian Lier, Peter Großmann, Emily L. Priest, Antzela Tsavou, Gianni Panagiotou, Julian R. Naglik, Duncan Wilson, Sascha Schäuble, Lydia Kasper, Bernhard Hube

Fold change in gene expression in C. albicans WT (BWP17) and ece1Δ/Δ strains during incubation in cell culture medium for (A) ZRT101, (B) ZRT2, (C) PRA1, (D) ZRT3, and (E) ZRC1. All values are shown as the mean with standard deviation.

