pone.0258876.g004.tif (812.66 kB)

Longer polyQ sequences decrease the nuclear localization of AR in the absence of hormone.

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posted on 2022-01-05, 18:27 authored by Carlos M. Roggero, Victoria Esser, Lingling Duan, Allyson M. Rice, Shihong Ma, Ganesh V. Raj, Michael K. Rosen, Zhi-Ping Liu, Josep Rizo

(A) Representative images of LNCaP cells transiently transfected with Cherry-AR containing different lengths of glutamine repeat (12Q, 20Q, 31Q or 49Q), in the absence of DHT. Red corresponds to Cherry fluorescence and blue to DAPI fluorescence. (B) AR distribution in the nucleus (grey bars) or the cytoplasm (red bars) normalized to the total in cells transiently transfected with Cherry-AR-12Q, -20Q, -31Q or -49Q. More than 50 cells were analyzed for each condition. Bars show averages and error bars show standard deviations. (C) Western blot showing the expression levels of Cherry-AR and endogenous AR proteins using an anti-AR antibody and anti-β-actin antibody as a loading control.
