pone.0291892.g002.tif (298.19 kB)

Lollipop plot summarising the frequencies of SARS-CoV-2 amino acid substitutions in our study cohort (n = 99) in Table 2.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:40 authored by Amirah Azzeri, Nurul Azmawati Mohamed, Saarah Huurieyah Wan Rosli, Muttaqillah Najihan Abdul Samat, Zetti Zainol Rashid, Muhamad Arif Mohamad Jamali, Muhammad Zarul Hanifah Md Zoqratt, Muhammad Azamuddeen Mohammad Nasir, Harpreet Kaur Ranjit Singh, Liyana Azmi

Red boxes represent genes and blue boxes represent coding sequences. A SARS-CoV-2 genome map with base-pair positions is displayed at the bottom. The bubbles in the Y-coordinates indicate mutation frequencies.
