Fig 1.TIF (291.39 kB)

Locations at which infections were acquired.

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posted on 2016-03-18, 23:14 authored by Jung-Yeon Kim, Youn-Kyoung Goo, Young-Gun Zo, So-Young Ji, Hidayat Trimarsanto, Sheren To, Taane G. Clark, Ric N. Price, Sarah Auburn

This map was generated by the Malaria Atlas Project, University of Oxford. The colour scale reflects the model-based geostatistical point estimates of the annual mean P. vivax parasite rate in the 1–99 year age range (PvPR) within the stable spatial limits of P. vivax transmission in 2010 [32]. The approximate locations of the study sites are indicated with black dots. All MAP maps are available to users under the CCAL 3.0.
