pone.0295552.g001.tif (1.24 MB)

Location of wind and solar facilities used to assess results from fatality surveys at facilities within and in close proximity to the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Area (“DRECP” in blue) in California, U.S.A. (in yellow).

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posted on 2023-12-15, 18:33 authored by Tara J. Conkling, Amy L. Fesnock, Todd E. Katzner

Facilities are given names that show the county in which they are located (e.g., KER1 is in Kern County, SBD1 is in San Bernardino County, RIV1 is in Riverside County, IMP1 is in Imperial County, and SD1 is in San Diego County). Also shown in white are the locations of the Tehachapi and San Gorgonio Wind Resource areas. Basemap made with Natural Earth ( DRECP boundary obtained from[24].
