pone.0262173.s001.tif (32.18 MB)

Live-dead imaging of primary human hepatocytes cultured in 2D vs. 3D constructs.

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posted on 2022-01-20, 18:26 authored by L. Madison Kirk, Charlotte Mae K. Waits, Alexander C. Bashore, Beverly Dosso, Allison K. Meyers, Antonio C. Renaldo, Thomas J. DePalma, Kelli N. Simms, Nathaniel Hauser, Chia-Chi Chuang Key, Charles E. McCall, John S. Parks, Susan Sergeant, Carl D. Langefeld, Aleksander Skardal, Elaheh Rahbar

Hepatocytes cultured in 2D on a layer of collagen began to de-differentiate (i.e., lose their rounded morphology) at around 4 days of culture. Conversely, those that were cultured in the 3D configuration maintained their phenotype for at least 7 days.

