pone.0253929.g005.tif (341.61 kB)

Linear relationship of acoustically detected migration passage day of year (DOY) by year and by melt-out and freeze-up DOY from 2008–2018.

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posted on 2021-06-28, 17:25 authored by Kathleen M. Stafford, John J. Citta, Stephen R. Okkonen, Jinlun Zhang

a) bowhead whale migration DOY in spring; b) bowhead whale migration DOY in fall. DOY over 365 indicates passage date in January 2017; c) bowhead whale migration and spring melt-out DOY; d) bowhead whale migration and fall freeze up DOY; e) beluga whale migration DOY in spring; f) beluga whale migration DOY in fall; g) beluga whale migration and spring melt out DOY; h) beluga whale migration and fall freeze up DOY. Trend, fit (r2), and F-statistics of acoustic migration DOY by year and sea ice thaw/freeze up DOY over time are shown on each plot. Significant statistical relationships (p<0.05) are shown in bold type on the figures.
