pone.0262573.g001.tif (654.37 kB)

Lineage analysis of SARS-CoV2 genome from samples collected in the state of Delaware.

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posted on 2022-01-19, 18:28 authored by Karl R. Franke, Robert Isett, Alan Robbins, Carrie Paquette-Straub, Craig A. Shapiro, Mary M. Lee, Erin L. Crowgey

Panel A: Pangolin lineages calculated from 1,459 samples. The x-axis is the lineage ID and the y-axis is the number of samples within that lineage. Panel B: The distribution of the NextClade Clades for all samples analyzed. Panel C: The major lineages over time in Delaware. The x-axis is the date, ranging from 6/20-5/21 and the y-axis is the percentage of that lineage in the total cohort analyzed. Panel D: The major lineages over time in Pennsylvania. Data Source—GISAID. Panel E: Results of COVID-19 PCR testing performed at Nemours Children’s Hospital Delaware.
