pone.0203486.g007.tif (657.07 kB)

Limits of agreement for Samsung RS80A SWE.

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posted on 2018-09-14, 17:27 authored by Anesa Mulabecirovic, Anders Batman Mjelle, Odd Helge Gilja, Mette Vesterhus, Roald Flesland Havre

The figure presents the limits of agreement for Samsung RS80A. The horizontal axis represents the common mean value of all measurements in both observers for, while the vertical axis represents the difference between individual measurements and this common mean (kPa), displaying the variability of measurements. The black line within each system represents the common mean value, the dotted lines represent the 95% confidence intervals. A mean value close to 0 on the vertical axis means that the two observers apply the measurement scale without bias.
