pbio.3001043.s007.tif (9.04 MB)

Leaf initiation rates and morphologies of mir172 mutants the 35Spro:MIM172 line.

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posted on 2021-02-02, 18:25 authored by Diarmuid S. Ó’Maoiléidigh, Annabel D. van Driel, Anamika Singh, Qing Sang, Nolwenn Le Bec, Coral Vincent, Enric Bertran Garcia de Olalla, Alice Vayssières, Maida Romera Branchat, Edouard Severing, Rafael Martinez Gallegos, George Coupland

(A) A photograph of mir172a-2 b-3 c-1 d-3 siliques grown in LD conditions from a single plant. The ages of the siliques are in order from left (early arising) to right (late arising). Note that the phenotype is most severe in the first flowers/siliques to arise. (B) A photograph of mir172a-2 b-3 d-2 inflorescence. Note the extremely serrated cauline leaves (arrowheads). (C) Graphs depicting the TLN and DTB of Col-0, mir172c-1, mir172e-1, and mir172c-1 e-1 grown under LD conditions. (D) The number of leaves present on SD-grown plants that were larger than 0.25 cm on each indicated day. Error bars indicate SEM. (N = 12–16). Statistical comparisons relative to Col-0 at 40d: mir172a; Δ4.18 RLN; p = 0.001), (mir172ab; Δ5.03 RLN; p < 10–5), (mir172abc; Δ3.75 RLN; p = 0.003), (mir172abcd(e/+); Δ4.69 RLN; p = 0.0004). The Venus-rSPL15 genotype was used here as a control. Data underlying panel D are provided in S2 Data. (E) Micrographs of RNA in situ hybridizations using a commercial probe designed to recognize miR172 of Col-0 (upper panels) and mir172a-2 b-3 c-1 d-3 e-1 (lower panels) apices grown under SD conditions for the indicated times. (F) A representative photograph of the morphologies of plants of the same age grown under SD conditions. The genotypes used in each experiment were Col-0, mir172a-2, mir172a-2 b-3, mir172a-2 b-3 c-1, mir172a-2 b-3 c-1 d-3 e-1/+, 35Spro:MIM172, and Venus-rSPL15. DTB, days to bolting; LD, long-day; SEM, standard error of the mean; SD, short-day; TLN, total leaf number.

