pone.0255345.g003.tif (328.77 kB)

LLT change status of patients with definite or probable FH at 6-month of follow-up.

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posted on 2021-08-02, 17:25 authored by Jean Ferrières, Victoria Banks, Demetris Pillas, Francesco Giorgianni, Laurene Gantzer, Beranger Lekens, Lea Ricci, Margaux Dova-Boivin, Jean-Vannak Chauny, Guillermo Villa, Gaelle Désaméricq

Discontinued defined as any LLT prescription at index date but no LLT prescription at 6-month of follow-up. Switching defined as different LLT/combination of LLT prescribed during follow-up than the LLT prescribed at index date. Increase defined as one or more new LLT started during follow-up with index drugs also still continued. Decrease defined as one or more LLT at index date no longer taken at follow-up, but one or more LLT at index date still continued. No change defined as no change in LLT drugs prescribed between index date and follow-up.
