pone.0290987.g002.tif (262.7 kB)

Kinetics of BM cell responses after WRSs2 & WRSs3 vaccination.

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posted on 2024-01-17, 18:29 authored by Malabi M. Venkatesan, Shoshana Barnoy, Robert Frenck, Monica McNeal, Shahida Baqar

The geometric mean of the antigen-specific IgA+/IgG+ BM cell response on days d-1, d28 and d56 is given on the Y-axis with the vaccine doses (CFU) on the X-axis. Antigen-specific IgA+/IgG+ BM placebo responses are also included in each panel. A paired t-test comparing the magnitude of the BM cell responses at d28 and/or d56 with d-1 was used to compute significance of the induced response (indicated by *asterisks).
