pone.0203707.g001.tif (304.46 kB)

Kaplan-Meier plots of ammonium acetate-induced mortality.

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posted on 2018-09-10, 17:33 authored by Matthias Zielonka, Maximilian Breuer, Jürgen Günther Okun, Matthias Carl, Georg Friedrich Hoffmann, Stefan Kölker

Zebrafish larvae (n = 100 per group) at 1 or 4 dpf were exposed to varying concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mM) of either NH4Ac or NaAc and survival rates monitored for up to 36 h. While NH4Ac was not toxic to zebrafishes at 1 dpf (A), exposure at 4 dpf induced death of all larvae in a dose-dependent manner (log-rank test, P<0.001) (B). In contrast, NaAc had virtually no toxic or lethal effect at either developmental stage (C, D).
