pcbi.1008904.g004.tif (426.72 kB)

K-mer analysis of KIR gene sequence similarity.

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posted on 2021-08-02, 17:39 authored by Wesley M. Marin, Ravi Dandekar, Danillo G. Augusto, Tasneem Yusufali, Bianca Heyn, Jan Hofmann, Vinzenz Lange, Jürgen Sauter, Paul J. Norman, Jill A. Hollenbach

(A) Ratio of distinct k-mers of size 50, 150 and 250 that are shared between the indicated KIR gene and others. The inverse of these bars (not shown) would indicate the proportion of k-mers that are distinct to that gene and not found in the alleles of other genes. (B) 150-mer connections between KIR genes, the size of the connecting line roughly indicates the total number of shared 150-mers.
