pone.0289860.g001.tif (1.66 MB)

Isolation of baboon bone marrow erythroid cell subpopulations.

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posted on 2023-12-22, 18:38 authored by Vinzon Ibanez, Kestis Vaitkus, Maria Armila Ruiz, Zhengdeng Lei, Mark Maienschein-Cline, Zarema Arbieva, Donald Lavelle

A. Representative FACS plots showing separation of baboon BM erythroid cell subpopulations. B. Wright’s stained cytospin preparation of isolated BM erythroid subpopulations. C. Morphology of BFUe and CFUe colonies identified in the R6 (CD34+CD117+bRBC-) and R5 (CD34+CD117+bRBC+) subpopulations, respectively shown at 40X magnification. D. Results of methylcellulose colony assays showing enrichment of BFUe and CFUe within the various BM subpopulations (200 cells plated; mean±SD, n = 3).
