pone.0260737.g003.tif (524.35 kB)

Investigation of acoustic backscatter generation using optical and US imaging.

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posted on 2021-12-09, 18:31 authored by Samantha J. Paulsen, Trevor M. Mitcham, Charlene S. Pan, James Long, Bagrat Grigoryan, Daniel W. Sazer, Collin J. Harlan, Kevin D. Janson, Mark D. Pagel, Jordan S. Miller, Richard R. Bouchard

(A) Fluorescence imaging slice of Phantom 3 printed with 200-μm layers showing photobleached areas of high light exposure (blue arrow) and regions of low light exposure (red arrow). (B) Schematic of assumed phantom density, where dark regions indicate higher local density (blue arrow) and light regions indicate lower density (red arrow). The light source is below the phantom in the Z-direction (purple arrow). (C) Zoomed-in subsection (purple box in [D]) from Phantom 1 with 200-μm layers and imaged using 50-MHz B-mode US. Density mismatches appear as hyperechoic, while continuous-density regions appear anechoic. (D) 50-MHz (left) and 12-MHz (right) B-mode US images of Phantom 1 with 200-μm layers. (E) B-mode US images of Phantom 5 with two rectangular inclusions (orange arrows) printed with 50-μm layers at 50 MHz (top) and 12 MHz (bottom).
