pone.0260155.g007.tif (4.61 MB)

Intratumoural injection with iNSB/E6E7equ on d0, d28, and d86 led to tumour regression and no BPV1 DNA was detectable anymore from the tumour site.

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posted on 2021-11-19, 18:32 authored by Christoph Jindra, Edmund K. Hainisch, Andrea Rümmele, Markus Wolschek, Thomas Muster, Sabine Brandt

A gelding (ZAC) suffering from periocular mixed sarcoids (fibroblastic, nodular and verrucous components) shows complete tumour regression 6 months after intratumoural injections (white arrow indicates injection site) with iNSB/E6E7equ on days 0, 28 and 86. BPV1 E5 PCR from DNA of hair roots collected from scarified skin during the last visit (month 6) also scored negative (see inserted gel photo; ZAC: patient DNA; L: GeneRuler DNA Ladder mix [ThermoScientific]; +c: sarcoid DNA as positive control: -c: equine intact skin DNA as negative control; ntc: sterile water as no-template control); d0: day 0; m3: month 3; m4: month 4; m6: month 6.
