pone.0260155.g006.tif (4.65 MB)

Intratumoural injection with iNSA/E6E7equ on d0, d28, d86 led to tumour regression and no BPV1 DNA was detectable anymore from the tumour site.

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posted on 2021-11-19, 18:32 authored by Christoph Jindra, Edmund K. Hainisch, Andrea Rümmele, Markus Wolschek, Thomas Muster, Sabine Brandt

A mare (BEG) suffering from periocular mixed sarcoids (fibroblastic, nodular and verrucous components) shows complete tumour regression 10 months after intratumoural injections (white arrow indicates injection site) with iNSA/E6E7equ on days 0, 28 and 86. Importantly, BPV1 E5 PCR from DNA of crusts collected from scarified skin (month 10) scored negative (see inserted gel photo; BEG: patient DNA; L: GeneRuler DNA Ladder mix [ThermoScientific]; +c: sarcoid DNA as positive control: -c: equine intact skin DNA as negative control; ntc: sterile water as no-template control); d0: day 0; m5: month 5; m7: month 7; m10: month 10.
