ppat.1009379.g004.tif (523.08 kB)

Intracellular growth and cell-to-cell spread are not impaired in Δrex.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:31 authored by Cortney R. Halsey, Rochelle C. Glover, Maureen K. Thomason, Michelle L. Reniere

A-C. Intracellular growth kinetics of wt and Δrex in IFNγ-activated BMMs (A), Huh7 cells (B), and TIB73 cells (C). D. Plaque area in L2 fibroblasts and TIB73 hepatocytes, measured as a percentage of wt. Data in panels A and D are the means and SEMs of three independent experiments. Data in panels B and C are the means and SEMs of two independent experiments performed in duplicate. In all panels, p values were calculated using a heteroscedastic Student’s t test. * p < 0.05; n.s. p > 0.05.
