ppat.1009373.s009.tif (987.97 kB)

Intersection variants found across technical replicates in contact cats.

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posted on 2021-02-26, 18:43 authored by Katarina M. Braun, Gage K. Moreno, Peter J. Halfmann, Emma B. Hodcroft, David A. Baker, Emma C. Boehm, Andrea M. Weiler, Amelia K. Haj, Masato Hatta, Shiho Chiba, Tadashi Maemura, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Katia Koelle, David H. O’Connor, Thomas C. Friedrich

The frequency of each variant per replicate is shown here. The diagonal line represents the 1:1 intersection of replicate variants. The subplot to the right of each primary plot is a zoomed-in view of the low-frequency variants (3–15%). Each timepoint is denoted by a different color.

