pgen.1009744.s001.tiff (1.61 MB)

Interactomes of HMR/LHR interactors provide evidence for the existence of a defined HMR protein complex (related to Fig 1).

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posted on 2021-08-23, 17:29 authored by Andrea Lukacs, Andreas W. Thomae, Peter Krueger, Tamas Schauer, Anuroop V. Venkatasubramani, Natalia Y. Kochanova, Wasim Aftab, Rupam Choudhury, Ignasi Forne, Axel Imhof

(A)—(D) HMR complex components are consistently enriched in reciprocal IPs. Volcano plots showing the interactome resulting from the AP-MS of the HMR complex components BOH1 (n = 4), BOH2 (n = 5), NLP (n = 3) and HP1a (n = 4) against a “mock” purification. The HMR complex subunits are labeled in red. X-axis: log2 fold-change of factor enrichment in IPs against mock purification (CTRL). Y-axis: significance of enrichment given as–log10 p-value calculated with a linear model. A list of the unlabeled additional bait-specific interactors is provided in S2 Table. (E) Network plot showing a highly connected HMR complex surrounded by subunit-specific interactors. Enriched proteins from each AP-MS experiment from HMR complex components were first selected (cut off: log2FC > 2.5, p-adjusted < 0.05) and integrated in an interaction network drawn with force directed layout in D3.js and R. Nodes represent proteins significantly interacting with at least one of the HMR complex components. Edges represent physical connections experimentally detected in this work. HMR complex subunits (and baits) are labelled in red. Interactive volcano plots and interaction network are available at the following (URL).

