pone.0290871.g002.tif (373.84 kB)

Infant treatment at PN8: Shock induced behavioral activation and Fos expression with and without the dam compared to controls.

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posted on 2023-11-16, 18:42 authored by Gordon A. Barr, Maya Opendak, Rosemarie E. Perry, Emma Sarro, Regina M. Sullivan

Shock induced behavioral activity (A; measured as in [90] and USV’s (B) were decreased by the mother’s presence during shock exposure. Estimation plots, to the right of the data figures confirm the robustness of these effects. Despite the behavioral changes there were no concomitant alterations in Fos expression in the PAG (C), amygdala (D), or PVN (E). N = 15–16 for Activity; N = 5–7 for USV; and N = 5–6 for Fos. Key: USVs- ultrasonic vocalizations; PAG- periaqueductal gray; BLA- basolateral amygdala; PVN- periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.
