pntd.0009712.s002.tiff (15.26 MB)

Inclusion criteria for data used in statistical analyses.

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posted on 2021-09-27, 17:32 authored by Isabel J. Jones, Susanne H. Sokolow, Andrew J. Chamberlin, Andrea J. Lund, Nicolas Jouanard, Lydie Bandagny, Raphaël Ndione, Simon Senghor, Anne-Marie Schacht, Gilles Riveau, Skylar R. Hopkins, Jason R. Rohr, Justin V. Remais, Kevin D. Lafferty, Armand M. Kuris, Chelsea L. Wood, Giulio De Leo

Schematic adapted from [20] showing which villages and water contact sites were included in each of our analyses. Manual snail surveys (left, Analysis 1) were conducted at all 16 villages beginning in May 2016. A subset of the 16 villages were involved in a parallel manipulative experiment that began in Spring 2017. Therefore, Analysis 1 (assessing snail–habitat analyses) excludes site–time combinations that were experimentally manipulated. Deep water snail sampling (Analysis 2) was conducted by boat in July–August 2017 in a subset of the 16 unmanipulated villages. Assessment of human infection outcomes (Analysis 3) given remote-sensed ecological and morphological water access site features required high-resolution or drone imagery available up to 120 m from water access site shorelines. Of the 16 study villages, only 12 villages met this criterion in year 1 (March 2016 to February 2017), and only 14 villages met this criterion in year 2 (March 2017 to February 2018).

