pone.0246503.g001.tif (6.27 MB)

Immunoreactivity of PrPSc in sheep with atypical scrapie.

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posted on 2021-02-11, 18:33 authored by Eric D. Cassmann, Najiba Mammadova, S. Jo Moore, Sylvie Benestad, Justin J. Greenlee

(A) There is a large amount of PrPSc (red color) within the molecular layer of cerebellum in sheep 958 (ARQ/ARQ). (B) PrPSc (red color) is confined to the spinal trigeminal tract in the medulla oblongata in sheep 948 (ARQ/ARR). (C) The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (circle) is devoid of PrPSc in sheep 948. (D) There are multifocal patchy aggregates of PrPSc (red color) in the molecular layer of the cerebellum in sheep 943 (VRQ/ARQ). (E) A small amount of PrPSc (red color) is present in the retina of sheep 943. (F) In sheep 958 there are large amounts of PrPSc (red color) in the plexiform layers of the retina.
