pcbi.1008932.s002.tif (2.89 MB)

Illustrations of the maximum state degrees and long-range connections.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:37 authored by Kathryn E. Mangold, Wei Wang, Eric K. Johnson, Druv Bhagavan, Jonathan D. Moreno, Jeanne M. Nerbonne, Jonathan R. Silva

Green states indicate open states while blue indicates all other states A) A representative topology with a labeled state that has five possible connections to other states. By cutting out the red portion (containing the extraneous state and connection), the indicated state then has a degree of four. B) A representative model graph that has cycle length of six. Removal of the indicated red dashed connection breaks the cycle. The resulting topology has a maximum cycle length of four C) A representative 8-state topology that meets the maximum state and long-range connections restrictions illustrated in A & B and is included in the final count in Fig 1E (i.e. is an example of the 72,489 unique rooted topologies).

