ppat.1009931.g005.tif (405 kB)

Identifications of host proteins that interact with the UTRs of the ANDV SmRNA.

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posted on 2021-09-21, 17:24 authored by Jorge Vera-Otarola, Estefania Castillo-Vargas, Jenniffer Angulo, Francisco M. Barriga, Eduard Batlle, Marcelo Lopez-Lastra

(A) Depiction of the GRNA affinity chromatography combined with nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nano LC-MS/MS) strategy used to identify host proteins that interact with the 3’UTR of the ANDV SmRNA. (B) HeLa extracts precleared with 3BoxB, or 5’UTR-3BoxB RNA were incubated with different in vitro transcribed bait RNA. The RNA-proteins complexes were pulled down using recombinant λ-GST protein as described in [42]. The proteins bound to 3BoxB-3’UTR, 5’UTR-3BoxB, 5’UTR-3BoxB-3’UTR RNAs identified by Nano LC-MS/MS (Applied Biomics, Inc., Hayward, CA, USA) were grouped into four datasets (DS, the list of proteins can be found in S1 Data).
