pone.0250586.s001.tif (910.16 kB)

Identification of critical co-variates of serum proteome data.

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posted on 2021-05-05, 17:30 authored by Leah G. Jarsberg, Komal Kedia, Jason Wendler, Aaron T. Wright, Paul D. Piehowski, Marina A. Gritsenko, Tujin Shi, David M. Lewinsohn, George B. Sigal, Marc H. Weiner, Richard D. Smith, Joseph Keane, Jon M. Jacobs, Payam Nahid

Univariate ANOVA analysis showing the number of proteins which are deemed significantly differential for each clinical covariate at various adjusted p value (q-value) levels. Noted is the most differential covariates of region, African status, and race (all interrelated), which is maintained through 8 weeks of treatment.

