pone.0291007.g004.tif (1.49 MB)

Ideal study set up for all centers.

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posted on 2023-11-08, 18:26 authored by Elisabeth Sartoretti, Selina Largiadèr, Thomas Sartoretti, Simin Laures, Martin Alexander Walter, Eva Monti, Ina Füchsel, Mira Dettling, Stephan Pfister, Peter Dubsky, Alexander Ort, Sabine Sartoretti-Schefer, Matthias Meissnitzer, Klaus Hergan, Rosemarie Forstner, Simon Matoori, Rasmus Bech- Hohenberger, John M. Froehlich, Tino Plümecke, Dorothee Harder, Dow Mu Koh, Andreas Gutzeit

In Center 2 a small proportion of patients indicated that they would like to be examined exclusively by a male radiologist. To respect the needs of all patients, female radiologists should also ask about patient’s preference concerning the sex of their radiologist.
