pmed.1003621.g003.tif (262.93 kB)

Hypothesized pathway with model-estimated effects for mediation of behavioral and psychosocial skill use at midline on psychological distress at endline.

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posted on 2021-06-17, 17:25 authored by Mark J. D. Jordans, Brandon A. Kohrt, Manaswi Sangraula, Elizabeth L. Turner, Xueqi Wang, Pragya Shrestha, Renasha Ghimire, Edith van’t Hof, Richard A. Bryant, Katie S. Dawson, Kedar Marahatta, Nagendra P. Luitel, Mark van Ommeren

Midline is 7 weeks post-baseline (after completion of the intervention in the Group PM+ arm). Endline is 20 weeks post-baseline (approximately 3 months after completion of the intervention in the Group PM+ arm). GHQ-12, General Health Questionnaire; PM+, Problem Management Plus; RTC, Reducing Tension Checklist.
