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pcbi.1009672.s005.eps (808.64 kB)

Hyperparameter selection via held-out test sets.

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posted on 2022-01-10, 18:30 authored by Gautam Reddy, Laura Desban, Hidenori Tanaka, Julian Roussel, Olivier Mirat, Claire Wyart

Pattern noise ϵp, the probability of a deletion pd and the Jensen-Shannon divergence threshold for removing similar bouts, Jthr, were set by computing the free energy per bout on a randomly split held-out dataset of approximately 18000 bouts (training dataset size was 70000). The free energy per bout for each tested parameter triplet is computed by averaging over 18 trials (with a separate random split for each trial). The red square shows the parameters (ϵp = 0.1, pd = 0.2, Jthr = 0.15) chosen for the rest of our analysis.

