pone.0260737.s002.tif (141.66 kB)

Hyperechoic signal at print-layer boundaries.

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posted on 2021-12-09, 18:31 authored by Samantha J. Paulsen, Trevor M. Mitcham, Charlene S. Pan, James Long, Bagrat Grigoryan, Daniel W. Sazer, Collin J. Harlan, Kevin D. Janson, Mark D. Pagel, Jordan S. Miller, Richard R. Bouchard

B-mode images at (A) 12 MHz, (B) 30 MHz, & (C) 50 MHz of Phantom 1 with 200-μm layers showing the hyperechoic signal presenting at layer interfaces. B-mode images at (D) 12 MHz, (E) 30 MHz, & (F) 50 MHz of 50-μm layer Phantom 2.

