pntd.0009712.s003.tiff (15.26 MB)

Human and environmental sampling timeline.

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posted on 2021-09-27, 17:32 authored by Isabel J. Jones, Susanne H. Sokolow, Andrew J. Chamberlin, Andrea J. Lund, Nicolas Jouanard, Lydie Bandagny, Raphaël Ndione, Simon Senghor, Anne-Marie Schacht, Gilles Riveau, Skylar R. Hopkins, Jason R. Rohr, Justin V. Remais, Kevin D. Lafferty, Armand M. Kuris, Chelsea L. Wood, Giulio De Leo

Timeline adapted from [20] for drone deployment and snail sampling within water access sites (blue); snail sampling both inside water access sites and also in deep water and “offshore” areas outside water access sites (green); human schistosome screening (red); and administration of praziquantel to infected individuals (pink). Screen = urine and stool collection and filtration, PZQ = praziquantel administration. Tick marks delineate months.

