pone.0245917.g005.tif (91.62 kB)

HuCD3ε-bearing T cells develop functional immune responses.

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posted on 2021-02-17, 18:34 authored by Joel Crespo, Yi Ting Koh, Ningjie Hu, Paul A. Moore, Ezio Bonvini, Andrew L. Glasebrook, Andrea P. Martin, Robert J. Benschop

(A) Splenocytes from 3–4 month old mice from WT or huCD3εHET mice were injected i.v. into 8–9 week old, 800 rads irradiated, B6D2 mice and graft-vs-host disease developed in vivo after a week post-injection. Percent body weight change is shown (A). n = 3–7, *p<0.05. (B-C) 2–4 month-old mice WT and huCD3εHET were immunized against ovalbumin or NP-CGG and administered a booster shot on day 14. Antibody titers were measured on day 10-post immunization (primary response) (B) or seven days following booster shot (secondary response) (C) for each antigen. n = 10, *p<0.05.
