pone.0243691.g002.tif (4.71 MB)

Histopathological lesions observed in tissues of 21 cetaceans that stranded in the Philippines (2017–2018).

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posted on 2021-11-11, 18:30 authored by Marie Christine M. Obusan, Jamaica Ann A. Caras, Lara Sabrina L. Lumang, Erika Joyce S. Calderon, Ren Mark D. Villanueva, Cristina C. Salibay, Maria Auxilia T. Siringan, Windell L. Rivera, Joseph S. Masangkay, Lemnuel V. Aragones

(A) hemorrhage in S03 kidney; (B) severe congestion in S11 liver; (C) edema in S12 liver; (D) hemosiderosis characterized by the presence of brown granular pigments in S05 kidney; (E) glomerulopathy in S14 kidney; (F) Zenker’s necrosis characterized by hyaline degeneration, loss of striations, and muscle fiber waviness in S06 skeletal muscle; (G) atelectasis (collapsed alveoli) in S10 lungs; (H) unidentified cyst in skeletal muscle of S14; and (I) putative Sarcocystis cyst in skeletal muscle of S08.
