pone.0255073.g002.tif (618.34 kB)

Histogram of the response and histogram and QQ-plot of the randomised quantile residuals.

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posted on 2021-08-04, 17:37 authored by Given Moonga, Stephan Böse-O’Reilly, Ursula Berger, Kenneth Harttgen, Charles Michelo, Dennis Nowak, Uwe Siebert, John Yabe, Johannes Seiler

The left-hand panel shows the histogram and kernel density estimates of the height-for-age z-score, the middle panel shows the histogram of the randomised quantile residuals together with the normal density estimates, and the right-hand panels depicts the QQ-plot of the randomised quantile residuals. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys (data); calculation by authors.
