ppat.1011824.s005.tif (544.9 kB)

Higher levels of central memory CD4+ T cells are detected in anti-CD4 antibody treated animals following reconstitution.

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posted on 2023-12-06, 18:26 authored by Lijun Ling, Chandrav De, Rae Ann Spagnuolo, Nurjahan Begum, Shane D. Falcinelli, Nancie M. Archin, Martina Kovarova, Guido Silvestri, Angela Wahl, David M. Margolis, J. Victor Garcia

The frequency of naïve (A, CD27+CD45RA+), central memory (B, CD27+CD45RA-), and effector memory (C, CD27-CD45RA-) CD4+ T cells from anti-CD4 antibody-treated and control animals was determined by flow cytometry at necropsy. BM, bone marrow; LIV, liver; LNG, lung; LN, lymph nodes; SPL, spleen, ORG, human thymic organoid. Combined: all individual tissues from all animals are graphed together. Anti-CD4 antibody treated animals (n = 6) are shown in red; control animals (n = 4) are shown in black. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were performed using unpaired two-sided Mann–Whitney U-tests. Statistical significance was considered when P < 0.05.

