pone.0277946.g006.tif (911.98 kB)

Heatmaps showing the expression of the genes encoding siderophores, their receptors with other iron transport receptors.

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posted on 2022-12-29, 18:29 authored by Lana Daoud, Farah Al-Marzooq, Carole Ayoub Moubareck, Akela Ghazawi, Timothy Collyns

Expression of siderophore genes including entB and irp1 (A and C), siderophore receptors fepA and fyuA (B and D), fecA ferric iron transport receptor (E) and kfu iron uptake receptor (F) are shown. Fold changes of expression were calculated for strains grown in different media by comparing the expression of each gene to the baseline expression for the same gene at 0 hr.
