pone.0241766.g001.tif (6.79 MB)

Heat map of relative TK mRNA expression levels among MIBC patient tumor samples.

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posted on 2021-07-22, 17:49 authored by Young H. Lee, Molly M. Lee, Dinuka M. De Silva, Arpita Roy, Cara E. Wright, Tiffany K. Wong, Rene Costello, Oluwole Olaku, Robert L. Grubb III, Piyush K. Agarwal, Andrea B. Apolo, Donald P. Bottaro

TCGA data for MIBC patient tumor samples (n = 408) reported previously [22]. TK gene symbols are listed vertically at right. Samples are grouped on the horizontal axis by mRNA subtype classifications as defined by Robertson et al. [22] indicated at the top (from left to right): neuronal (N, green); basal squamous (BS, red); luminal (L, gray); luminal infiltrating (LI, gold); luminal papillary (LP, purple). TK genes are clustered hierarchically; in the cladogram at left cabozantinib targets are designated with violet squares.
