pone.0258053.g002.tif (4.66 MB)

HSP105 expression in non-exposed site and exposed site.

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posted on 2021-10-07, 17:30 authored by Ke-Jun Chen, Feng-Zeng Li, Qian Ye, Meng Jia, Sheng Fang

(A) Clinical picture of the LMM located in foot (non-exposed site). (B) Histological appearance (HE, ×100) in the LMM located in non-exposed site and (C) HSP 105 expression showed focal staining (IHC×100). (D) Clinical picture of the LMM located in hand (exposed site). (E) Histological appearance (HE, ×100) in the LMM located in exposed site and (F) HSP 105 expression showed intense staining (IHC×100).
