pone.0235341.g002.tif (138.09 kB)

HNL1 favors larger substrates as compared to HbHNL.

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posted on 2020-06-30, 17:35 authored by Bryan J. Jones, Robert L. Evans III, Nathan J. Mylrea, Debayan Chaudhury, Christine Luo, Bo Guan, Colin T. Pierce, Wendy R. Gordon, Carrie M. Wilmot, Romas J. Kazlauskas

The y-axis is the natural logarithm of the relative rate of the HNL1-catalyzed reaction versus the HbHNL catalyzed reaction, while the x-axis is the molecular weight of the substrate, which approximates its size. The open symbols indicate lyase-type reactions: open circles are cleavage of cyanohydrins and the open square is the cleavage of 2-nitro-1-phenyl ethanol (reverse of a nitro-aldol addition). The filled black circles indicate hydrolysis of esters. The best linear fit (dashed line) is y = 0.032±0.009·x– 5±1 and the r2 = 0.61. Data for this figure are in S2 Table.
