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HMR localisation to repetitive elements.

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posted on 2017-02-16, 20:26 authored by Thomas Andreas Gerland, Bo Sun, Pawel Smialowski, Andrea Lukacs, Andreas Walter Thomae, Axel Imhof

(A) HMR ChIP tag enrichment at repetitive DNA elements. To identify enriched sequences the enrichment (log2-fold) over input is plotted against the RPKM of an individual repeat sequence from RepBase. Repeats with less than 2-fold enrichment are not displayed. (B) ChIP tag density of HMR and the gypsy-insulator proteins CP190, Mod(mdg4), Su(Hw) [39] across the repetitive gypsy retrotransposon sequence. The gypsy insulator sequence at the 5' end is highlighted in green.
