pone.0294860.g001.tif (1.06 MB)

HIV prevalence deviation from the mean in Kisumu, Kenya.

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posted on 2024-01-02, 19:05 authored by Valentine Sing’oei, Chiaka Nwoga, Adam Yates, John Owuoth, June Otieno, Erica Broach, Qun Li, Zebiba Hassen, Michelle Imbach, Mark Milazzo, Tsedal Mebrahtu, Merlin L. Robb, Julie A. Ake, Christina S. Polyak, Trevor A. Crowell

Fig 1 depicts the subregional deviation in HIV prevalence from overall point prevalence [18] PLWH resided in 4 sub-regions located centrally in the area around and stretching westward and eastward of Kisumu City. The sub-region encompassing Kisumu City (sub-region 7) and that stretching westward (sub-region 5) had the highest numbers with an overall deviation of between 7% and 10% from the overall HIV prevalence. Among the 196 PLWH, 118 (60.2%) were previously diagnosed as living with HIV while 78 (39.8%) were previously undiagnosed. Participant residential wards were combined due to low N in some areas. Gray areas represent areas of Kisumu county wherein data collection for the RV393 study did not occur. The shapefile was retrieved from Stanford Digital Repository [Map Maker Ltd. (2007)]. Sub-locations, Kenya, 2007 Map Maker, Ltd. Available at: This figure was generated using the ArcGIS Version 10.3.1 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Red-lands, CA, USA) software.
