ppat.1009425.s004.tif (579.38 kB)

HHQ and PQS do not accumulate intracellularly in a tatA ΔpqsA double mutant harboring the plasmid-borne pqsABCD genes in the absence of autoinduction.

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posted on 2021-08-30, 17:38 authored by Eliza Ye-Chen Soh, Frances Smith, Maxime Rémi Gimenez, Liang Yang, Rebecca Munk Vejborg, Matthew Fletcher, Nigel Halliday, Sophie Bleves, Stephan Heeb, Miguel Cámara, Michael Givskov, Kim R. Hardie, Tim Tolker-Nielsen, Bérengère Ize, Paul Williams

Semi-quantitative analysis by LC-MS/MS of PQS (A) and HHQ (B) extracted with methanol from whole cell cultures of P. aeruginosa wild type and the tatA ΔpqsA mutant without (control) or with (+pqsABCD) the pqsABCD biosynthetic genes provided via pBBR1MCS-5::pqsABCD and harvested at 8 h and 16 h respectively. Experiments were repeated in triplicate.

