pone.0255580.g004.tif (196 kB)

HER2 IHC/FISH discrepancies.

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posted on 2021-09-23, 17:36 authored by Emanuele Caselli, Cristina Pelliccia, Valeria Teti, Guido Bellezza, Martina Mandarano, Ivana Ferri, Kerstin Hartmann, Mark Laible, Ugur Sahin, Zsuzsanna Varga, Chiara Lupi, Fabrizio Stracci, Angelo Sidoni

Schematic analysis of discrepancies in HER2: a. between the original assessment (ORI) and re-evaluation (REV) and b. between IHC (ORI) and RT-qPCR. Positive calls are indicated by red filled boxes. Negatives calls are presented in green and equivocal calls in grey, according to the 2013 ASCO/CAP guidelines in force at the time of the study.
