pone.0251213.g001.tif (397.18 kB)

Growth rates (A), cell size (B), and chlorophyll a content (C) of T. weissflogii during the exponential growth phase under three different temperature and pCO2 treatments (amb = 14°C, 450ppm; rcp6.0 = 15.5°C, 800ppm; rcp8.5 = 17°C, 1000ppm) crossed with two N:P ratios (N:P = 16; N:p = 25).

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posted on 2021-05-07, 17:33 authored by Elisabeth Groß, Maarten Boersma, Cédric Léo Meunier

Data presented are means and standard deviations of six replicates. Different letters (a, b, c) indicate significant differences (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). A notation with more than one letter (a,b) means that there is no significant difference with either (a) or (b), but there is a statistically significant difference with (c).
