pone.0293744.g002.tif (471.32 kB)

Group correlations and distribution histograms.

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posted on 2023-11-10, 18:40 authored by Ariel Berl, Ofir Shir-az, Ilai Genish, Hadas Biran, Din Mann, Amrita Singh, Julia Wise, Vladimir Kravtsov, Debora Kidron, Alexander Golberg, Edward Vitkin, Zohar Yakhini, Avshalom Shalom

(a) Spearman and (b) Pearson histograms summarizing the values in the heatmap presented in Fig 4. The values are summarized as normalized, observed densities separately for the inter-patient (Group 1) and intra-patient (Group 2) correlations, displayed respectively as red (upper) and blue (lower) bars. The correlations measured within the noise control group (Group 3) are presented as grey bars.
