pone.0293744.g005.tif (1.3 MB)

Group-intersection analysis of RNA heterogeneity.

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posted on 2023-11-10, 18:40 authored by Ariel Berl, Ofir Shir-az, Ilai Genish, Hadas Biran, Din Mann, Amrita Singh, Julia Wise, Vladimir Kravtsov, Debora Kidron, Alexander Golberg, Edward Vitkin, Zohar Yakhini, Avshalom Shalom

The Venn diagram schematically depicts the inter-group interactions. The table below the figure presents the sizes of various groups of genes per each patient. Interpretation example: 20,099 genes are shared among all 9 samples from all 3 patients. Patient 1 is of Infiltrative subtype, and it has 26,976 genes shared among all its samples, which is +6,877 genes more than the global intersection of all samples. An additional +2,137 genes are shared between the samples from Location 1 and Location 2, resulting in 29,113 genes shared between these two locations. Finally, Location 1 has 368 genes unique to this location, which is about 1% of all 29,905 genes observed at this location. Note, that some of these 368 genes may be identified in a different patient.
