pone.0297592.g004.tif (315.6 kB)

Ground reaction force components for experimental conditions.

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posted on 2024-02-29, 18:39 authored by Md Samsul Arefin, Hsiao-Feng Chieh, Chien-Ju Lin, Cheng-Feng Lin, Fong-Chin Su

Fig 4a shows mean medio-lateral ground reaction force (ML-GRF curves, Fig 4b shows mean vertical ground reaction force (VRT-GRF) curves, and Fig 4c shows mean anterior-posterior ground reaction force (AP-GRF) curves with shade for the barefoot (BF), unaltered shoe (UAS) and altered shoe (AS) during the gait cycle. The shading is shown as one standard deviation (± 1 STD).
